One time clients can sometimes get lost and potential repeat business along with them, to help us maintain as many customers as possible we set up robots to schedule customer care calls for our Sales team.
SquidWeb began as a CRM tool to help team members maintain regular contact with clients within the events industry. Like many CRM tools, the original system gave the team a great overview of which clients had been in contact recently and which ones to target next for outreach, however this still requires manual input, time and care to make sure each client is marked as contacted or not, and also to make this follow up outreach without much system input.
The client care reminder robot automates most of this process by giving the sales team a concise list of which clients to contact on a regular basis.
The reminder are delivered in two ways, firstly, a message is sent to the Sales team SquidWeb messenger channel, the message lists all the uncontacted clients and is hyperlinked to the contact page of each in SquidWeb. The team member can instantly access each potential customer and being the outreach process. Secondly, a ToDo activity is added to the Today page for the Sales team, reminding the team members of each client that needs contacting, the ToDo is also linked to the contact page so outreach is as easy as possible for our team.